We want to combine strong and sustainable growth with good profitability. Through this we increase value for our shareholders and create the conditions for continued good long-term development.
Responsible expansion with a focus on internationalisation.
We want to combine strong and sustainable growth with good profitability. Through this we increase value for our shareholders and create the conditions for continued good long-term development.
Our management philosophy is based on success factors for growth through profitability and responsibility. The basic concepts are gathered under the term Our Business Principles.
Our vision is to create world-class solutions in sustainable energy.
Our business idea is to offer the market high quality, innovative and energy efficient products and system solutions within our three different business areas.
The basis for this is the Group's broad expertise in product development, manufacturing and marketing.
Our overall goal is to combine strong and sustainable growth with good profitability and create value growth for the shareholders.
We must also be an interesting and progressive workplace for the employees and have happy and secure customers. Our operations must be characterised by transparency and responsibility.
Growth must average 20 percent per year, of which half should be organic and half through acquisitions.
Operating profit for each business area must amount to at least 10 percent of sales over a business cycle.
Return on equity must amount to at least 20 percent over a business cycle. The equity ratio in the Group must not be less than 30 percent.
Our management philosophy is based on eight basic ideas that create the power for continued expansion through profitability. Knowledge of our management philosophy is extremely important for both new employees and acquired units in order to understand the spirit and culture.
4. Quality throughout customer-centric focus
Overall responsibility for the application and follow up of Our Business Principles lies with the CEO who delegates the practical, daily work to each legal entity within the Group. All managers must act in such a way that their behaviour works as a model for the application of the principles.ndence
BACKER ALPE · Fco.I. Madero No. 2137 Pte. Col. Centro, C.P. 64000 Monterrey, N.L
Mexico · TEL: +52-81 1133 8753 · [email protected] · Corp. reg: 5560530569