Energy is money... Backer measurement & control devices minimize energy losses. They guarantee better precision and therfore better efficiency. Backer offers traditional measurement & control solutions such as energy regulators and thermostats but also the latest technology of different integrated control and sensor solutions as well as soft starters and inverters. Backer measurement & control devices can be added to a large number of heating products for several applications and of course, fully customized for your specific needs. A common denominator for all products is that our measurement & control devices always make sure the heating products operate optimally. What you receive is a more complete solution which does not compromise performance with a care for our planet and the environment we all share.
Join our path for a more sustainable future!
Heating is one thing. Intelligent heating is the next level. If you add our control and measurement solutions to your heating device, you are able to not only ensure that no unnecessary energy is lost but also, as a result, reduce costs and the impact on the environment.
Energy regulator
Capillary Thermostat
Backer offers a complete range of heating and control solutions for the home appliance industry. Regulators and thermostats include our more traditional solutions and are specially suitable for high tempertaures.
Our soft starters increase the lifetime of a motor by protecting it from electrical stresses. The inverters deliver stable heat and adjust to the real efficiency need at the same time ensuring that less heat is lost.
PT100 / PT1000
Integrated power electronics solutions
The PT100/ PT 1000 monitor the temperature and the integrated power electronic makes sure the power output to the element is optimally regulated.
Dump resistor
Steel grid resistor
In wind turbines, resistors improve the quality of the electric energy allowing short disturbances in the power grid, without the need for shutting down the turbine, keeping the turbine spinning and producing green energy to the maximum.
We can help you with design and construction but also installation and commissioning of control cabinets and appurtenant control panels.
Integrated NTC
Integrated control
Some applications are more sensitive than others. We offer heating solutions to the most delicate of objects where contol and sensor components are integrated features on the element. E.g. on thick film elements, foil elements or tubular elements.
BACKER ALPE · Fco.I. Madero No. 2137 Pte. Col. Centro, C.P. 64000 Monterrey, N.L
Mexico · TEL: +52-81 1133 8753 · [email protected] · Corp. reg: 5560530569